Sierra Mineral Holdings Set In Pace In Signing The Community Development Agreement

The Vimetco bauxite mining company has finally launched the community development committee at a well-attended ceremony at the ICS Primary School Hall, Mosenesie Junction, Lower Banta Chiefdom. The newly established community development committee will be responsible to implementing sustainable community development projects in the five mining chiefdoms. The Chairman for the occasion who doubles as the Moyamba District Council Chairman Professor Bob Kandeh disclosed that SMHL- Vimetco Bauxite foundation has earlier implemented series of community development projects worth about 1.7 billion Leones in the five bauxite mining chiefdoms. Professor Bob Kandeh said Vimetco is the first mining company to sign the community development agreement. He also praised Vimetco company for paying 1% of their gross revenue for community development activities which he says has led to the construction schools, roads, health centers, hand pump wells and Court Barrays at different locations in the five mining chiefdoms. He called on the community development committee members to work actively with the community stakeholders and Vimetco management so as to enhance total development. The paramount chief of Lower Banta Chiefdom John Jibao Russell-Nyaama described the launching ceremony as historic adding that Vimetco is the first mining company to launch the community development committee in the country. He refers Vimetco as the best mining company in terms of meeting its corporate social responsibility and informed that Vimetco has a very good relationship with stakeholders in the five mining chiefdoms. He pledged the support of Paramount Chiefs to the operations of the company and therefore encouraged the community development committee members to work concertedly with the management for peace and development. The Human Resource and Corporate Affairs Director Mr. Alusine Conteh, said that despite their financial challenge, company still remains committed to funding this committee and meeting corporate social responsibilities. He added that the management is fully supportive to ensure the committee functions to achieve their mandate. He promised that the management will ensure an adequate and timely provision of funds to the community development committee. Mr Conteh urged committee member to demonstrate discipline, transparency and accountability in handling this fund. Other important personalities including the CDC chairman James Miller, the community affairs manager Joseph Amadu, the government rep. Emmanuel Jusu, the Bo district council chairman Joseph Munda Bindi and a civil society representative Sylvester Bob Katta have also made meaningful contributions.