Commencement of Waste Dump Management

SMHL Vimetco remains committed to satisfy the environmental impact assessment licence terms and conditions for its bauxite mining and beneficiation operation in Upper Banta Chiefdom Moyamba District within the first (1st) quarter of the licence year starting from 4th May 2017 and ending 3rd May 2018, completed construction of waste management centre. The facility covers waste generated from the lease area including the project’s mine site at Gondama, mine deposits; haul roads, residential camp at Matta and the Port at Nitti. The operation plan considers solid, liquid and gaseous waste streams associated with the project and their potential impact on existing environmental values. The facility does not include waste related to mining operations which is treated as Mineral Waste in the Mine Reclamation and Closure Plan. The Mineral Waste is managed as overburden and tailings.