Bauxite from Sierra Leone

Sierra Mineral Holdings I Limited,
52 Wellington St., Freetown Sierra Leone

Sustainable Development

  • Health & Safety Management
  • Environmental Management:
  • Community Development Management:
  • Corporate Social Responsibility:
Health & Safety Management

SMHL Health & Safety Vision is “Safety First Safety Always”. This emphasizes balancing the human and technical aspects of health & safety: blending leadership behaviors with traditional management activities to create a safe productive culture.

Our management team establishes a culture of health & safety through education and motivation

Environmental Management:

In SMHL, environmental protection is a fundamental principle in conducting its business. We are therefore committed to a policy of sustainable resource development, which embodies the protection and preservation of natural environment, over the full life cycle of mining operations.

Community Development Management:

In promoting and sustaining its community relations SMHL is the first mining company in Sierra Leone to sign off a community development agreement (CDA) with the government of Sierra Leone and concerned community affected by the mining operations. The community development needs are being identified through this process of CDA and being managed and monitored by SMHL to ensure sustainable and infrastructural development of the communities.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

SMHL is committed in the cultivation of corporates social responsibility in the forms of corporate self-regulation integrated into its business model. SMHL acknowledges its responsibility towards non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community health service providers, government security agencies, such as, Sierra Leone Police, Sierra Leone Armed Forces etc. SMHL also proactively participate in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of public roads and infrastructure for the benefit of the local community as one of its social responsibility.